Heading to THE PLAYERS, March 14-17, 2024?

Don't buy your tickets anywhere else!


Purchase your THE PLAYERS Championship Tickets from FCA and $40 of each ticket will be given to NE Florida FCA!  Enjoy THE PLAYERS Championship and help Northeast Florida FCA at the same time!  A true win-win!

Make sure you enter offer code 277AKZ when purchasing in order to support NE Florida FCA. Offer codes can be entered on the Ticketmaster website at checkout by clicking the "Unlock" button on the ticket selection screen.

If you would like to support a specific staff member or area of ministry, see the additional offer codes below/to the right.

Want to support a particular staff member or area of NE Florida FCA ministry?  Use offer codes below:

Andrew Baker - 655QRI
Greg Chapman -

Timothy Donald - 333KDH
Jeremey Galinis - 805KDA

Chris Gardner - 762KAG

Trey Glod - 465KHV
John Green -

Justin Lenamon - 187UQY

Dan Meinert - 172JIX

Olivia O'Leary - 263PLX
Scott Olson -
Morgan Podany -

Derek Reeves - 987LEG

Matthew Roop - 742TSQ

Jordan Smith - 786SLY

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